Photo by Klikkenthéke on October 12, 2024. Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text „Bureau DAMİ isa a Design, D Developmentanc Creative Direction studio working the fields fart, culturean commerce Founded by Louis Meeus and Patrick Downie, the studio focuses identity and creative direction for brands and individuals for both printand online projects. We aim to work with like-minded and forward thinking clients to make relevant and concept driven work. GET .TOUO TOUCH WOSFISEALDAM.COM CLOSE“.Photo by Klikkenthéke on October 12, 2024. Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text „Bureau DAMİ isa a Design, D Developmentanc Creative Direction studio working the fields fart, culturean commerce Founded by Louis Meeus and Patrick Downie, the studio focuses identity and creative direction for brands and individuals for both printand online projects. We aim to work with like-minded and forward thinking clients to make relevant and concept driven work. GET .TOUO TOUCH WOSFISEALDAM.COM CLOSE“.