What’s cool is what I do in ‘em! This commercial from Fall 1985 also features a young Josh Saviano of The Wonder Years fame. Bonus points if you can name the shoes featured at the beginning! What’s your favorite 80’s Nike shoe?
#nike #niketerminator #nikedunk #1985 #1980s #vintagenike #nikerunning #nikebasketball #airjordan #joshsaviano #nicekicksWhat’s cool is what I do in ‘em! This commercial from Fall 1985 also features a young Josh Saviano of The Wonder Years fame. Bonus points if you can name the shoes featured at the beginning! What’s your favorite 80’s Nike shoe?
#nike #niketerminator #nikedunk #1985 #1980s #vintagenike #nikerunning #nikebasketball #airjordan #joshsaviano #nicekicks