ladder leaning against the wallball of basketballclock pointerwoman template

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with unlimited saving
and browsing.


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Per month, billed annually

$9.99 billed monthly

  • Save unlimited images
  • Create unlimited boards
  • Personal support from our team
  • Figma Plugin
  • Early access to new features
  • Get access images in full resolution
  • Right click save from Desktop
  • Cancel whenever
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Premium & Site

Creating your custom website


Per month, billed annually

$18.99 billed monthly

  • Create your site in minutes
  • Made for creatives
  • Exclusive Templates
  • All Premium features
  • Connect your domain
  • Access to our API
  • Priority Support
  • Embed your feed anywhere


Better collaboration up to 20 users


per month, first 10 users

$149 billed monthly

  • 10 first users included
  • $9.99 / month per extra user
  • Priority Support
  • Admin roles
  • Team Customization
  • Present Work to Clients
  • Comments
  • Better Collaboration


Better collaboration for your team

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  • Unlimited Users
  • SSO Login
  • Server Customization
  • Admin roles manager
  • Internal Comments
  • Internal Moderator
  • Your Company Branding
  • Domain Integration
Andre Souza avatar

Andre Souza

Andre Souza company logo Product Designer @ Apple

It’s rare to find an idea executed with so much thoughtful restraint. Finding and saving visual inspiration was once polluted with so many distractions, ads and a bloated interface. SAVEE rescued us from all of that. It gave us back simplicity. I love it.

Ray Sison avatar

Ray Sison

Partner, Design @ Playlist

Savee not only inspires me but it gives me a great view on where design is going and help me find hidden talent that I won't normally get to see through the traditional channels. I never start a project without a little inspiration from Savee.

Fabio Sasso avatar

Fabio Sasso

Fabio Sasso company logo Head of Design @ Google

Savee is a visual feast curated by one of the most talented community of designers, photographers and visual artists. It is hard to not feel deeply inspired by using their service.

Where your team
can get inspired

Share work and inspiration with your team.
Easy to collaborate and provide feedback on what they save.

inspire your team

love it

Our users are
tastemakers working at
the top companies of the
creative industry.